Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Site Culture (Site Data)

Field to be used with an authority listField used for archaeology collections (object data and site data)Société des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the name(s) of the culture(s) associated with the site.


  1. This field contains the name of the cultural group that occupied the site or was associated with activities there.
  2. The terms entered in this field should make it possible to identify the successive occupations of the site over time and associate them with a particular human group.
  3. For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary.

Entry rules:

  1. Enter the name of the culture associated with the site using the adjectival form.

    Site Culture Chinese
  2. You can use a generic term followed by a specific term when useful for research. In that case, separate the data by a comma followed by a space.

    Site Culture pre-Columbian, Zapotec
  3. This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. Enter the names of the cultures that have occupied the site starting with the oldest.

    Site Culture Paleoindian, old; Paleoindian, recent
  4. If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the name of the culture. © Société des musées du Québec