Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Manufacturer Country (Identification)

Field to be used with an authority listField used for ethnology and history collectionsField used for fine and decorative arts collectionsField used for science and technology collectionsSociété des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the name of the country of the manufacturer of the object.


  1. This field contains the name of the country where the head office of the manufacturer is located.
  2. For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add country names as necessary. See documentation tip No. 2 (in French only) for bibliographic references.
  3. This field is used in conjunction with the Manufacturer field.

    A statue manufactured by Burton Inc. in Canada

      Object Name statue
      Manufacturer Burton Inc.
    Manufacturer Country Canada

Entry rules:

  1. Enter the full name of the country; do not use abbreviations.

    A medallion struck by the Roman Bronze Works in the United States

      Object Namemedallion
     Manufacturer Roman Bronze Works
    Manufacturer Country United States
     and not 
     Manufacturer Country U.S.A.
  2. If the name of the manufacturer country has changed, enter its current name followed by a comma and a space, and then the name used at the time the object was manufactured.

    A chest manufactured by the Cacao Import company in the Belgian Congo, later known as Zaire, now the Congo

      Object Namechest
      Manufacturer Cacao Import
    Manufacturer Country Congo, Zaire, Belgian Congo
  3. If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the country.

    A carpet manufactured by the Aurora company, probably in Turkey

      Object Name carpet
    Manufacturer Country Turkey ?
  4. This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. They should correspond to the entries in the Manufacturer field.

    A videocamera manufactured by Canon, a Japanese firm, but the body of which was manufactured by Brionvega S.p.A., an Italian design company.

      Object Namevideocamera
      Manufacturer Canon; Brionvega S.p.A.
    Manufacturer Country Japan; Italy © Société des musées du Québec