Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Military Unit (Identification)

Field to be used with an authority listField used for ethnology and history collectionsField used for fine and decorative arts collectionsSociété des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the name of the military unit with which the object was associated by use.


  1. A unit is a group of human and material resources combined into a military force. A unit is a level in a military organization that is self-accounting and is commanded by a commanding officer.
  2. In Canada, the main military units, in increasing hierarchical order, are:

    ship, division, squadron, fleet

    infantry: squad, platoon, company, battalion
    artillery: troop, battery, regiment
    armour: troop, squadron, regiment
    formations: brigade, division, corps, army, army group

    Air Force
    section, squadron, wing
  3. For better search results in your database, avoid a large variety of terms; draw up an authority list and add keywords as necessary.1

Entry rules:

  1. Enter the full name of the military unit; do not use abbreviations.
  2. Enter the main name of the unit followed by a comma and a space, then the specific term.

    A uniform from the 408 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force

      Object Nameuniform
    Military Unit Royal Canadian Air Force, 408 Squadron
  3. This field may contain multiple entries separated by a semicolon followed by a space. Enter the units in increasing hierarchical order.

    A uniform with two badges, one from the Royal 22e Regiment, the other from the 1st Canadian Division

      Object Nameuniform
    Military Unit Royal 22e Regiment; 1st Canadian Division

  1. For Canadian military units, you can consult The Regiments and Corps of the Canadian Army. Ottawa: Department of National Defence, 1964, 253 p. © Société des musées du Québec