Documenting Your Collections
Info-Muse Network Documentation Guide

Les guides électroniques de la SMQ

Minimum Capacity (Identification)

Field used for science and technology collectionsSociété des musées québécois Info-Muse database field


  • This field contains the minimum capacity of the object.


  1. The minimum capacity of an object corresponds to the lowest point in its range of action. This may be power, voltage, pressure, extension, electrical charge, volume, etc.
  2. This field is used in conjunction with the Capacity Measurement Unit and Maximum Capacity fields.

Entry rules:

  1. Enter the minimum capacity in real numbers.

    A barometer that can measure atmospheric pressure of between 80 and 110 kilopascals

      Object Namebarometer
      Capacity Measurement Unit kPa
    Minimum Capacity80
     Maximum Capacity110
  2. If the range of action of the object begins at 0, enter "0".
  3. If the value is negative, enter a minus sign "-" before the value.

    A thermometer with a measurement capacity of -40 to 50 degrees Celsius.

      Object Name thermometer
      Capacity Measurement Unit°C
    Minimum Capacity -40
     Maximum Capacity50
  4. If you are unsure whether your information is correct, include a space and a question mark after the value.
  5. This field may not contain more than one entry. © Société des musées du Québec